Use RQM Importer linked to existing requirement based on a XLS column
Accepted answer
There is no existing feature to implement "Use RQM Importer linked to existing requirement based on a XLS column" currently. Some discussions on this feature is on going and proposal is to add a new keyword for existing requirement's title(suppose this tile is unique). However, if you have hundreds of requirements, the efforts to put those titles into the xls file in order to run "testcase.requirement=xxx" is not less than specifying the existing requirements through UI which is currently available. Therefore this approach is still under discussion and it is unclear it will benefit to the users.
What is your use case and do you have any thoughts any possible approach of adding the new keyword?
For now, DOORS requirement is not supported in ExcelImporter. This is under discussion in this workitem:
(an enhancement workitem)
One other answer
- Import where requirements are already in place. Customers are considering RQM, not RQM + DNG. Having to also import requirements to trace makes no sense since they already have requirements where the want them. This is the norm, not the exception.
- import in steps. If we do want to import requirements and tests, we can do so incrementally - some requirements, some more tests, etc. The XLS example has 5 requirements and 5 test cases. I think it would be problematic in a real environment to produce a single XLS file where there are 10000s requirements and test cases organized across different documents, DOORS modules, etc. I want to export each source separately and import it, not make a big bang import.
Thanks Harry for the detailed use case. The points on DOORS requirements are valid and technically it seems that it is achievable as per the above enhancement workitem. I am not involved in any discussions for that enhancement, hence not sure what stage they are in. You may want to make some comments in that workitem so that it could help to move forward.
We are currently discussing on how to enhance the existing feature for RQM+DNG to link test case with existing DNG requirements and it is good point that we can export DNG requirements to csv and we will see how we may be able to link the test case to the exported requirements from the exported info. Thanks for that.
Thanks Don. I really appreciate the information and will comment on the enhancement work item. All the best.