Why don't the parameters for shared reports populate on execution?

RQM 4.0.1:
I am in the process of executing shared reports to know the progress of Test Execution and Defects status.
One of the report being "Test Case impacted by Defects", when selecting the parameters, the Test Plan list is empty!!
So ran another report "Execution Status by weight" (to see if the same problem persists), now the Test plan list IS populated.
Is there a reason why the same Test Plan parameter behaves differently for different reports?
Also, none of the reports are fetching any results, even after running the data collection jobs.
Tried to access the reports from Rational Insight, same problem, infact some reports does not detect the Project area!
Any suggestions?
One answer

The "Test cases Impacted by Defects" report uses the data warehouse. So the ETL jobs will need to run successfully to load the data into the data warehouse before you see data in the report.
For the other report, "Execution Status by weight" this is a live report and does not use the data warehouse. So it will do a query against your project repository and not the data warehouse.
I hope this helps.

Thanks Erica,
I did check the data collection jobs for today and all are "succeeded" status.
Re-started the session - still Test plan field has not populated!
Any other option?

May be this is relevant or not, one of the job in RTC(Build) has been failing.

Hi Radha,
Since the defect info is coming from RTC I would ensure all the RTC jobs and the JTS jobs are also running successfully.
I would also check the data to make sure defects have the "Affects Test Result" links results that link back to RQM. And test plans are associated with test cases in RQM.
I hope this helps.