Unable to create links between requirements OSLC
Hello, I been trying to use a java application to create links between RRC requirements using OSLC.
When I look into the services provided, I found only "implemented by" and "validated by" link types are only available.
<oslc_rm:LinkCreationServices> <oslc_rm:implementedByLinkFactory rdf:resource="https://server:port/rm/links/oslc/implementedByLinks" /> <oslc_rm:validatedByLinkFactory rdf:resource="https://server:port/rm/links/oslc/validatedByLinks" /> </oslc_rm:LinkCreationServices>
When I look into the services provided, I found only "implemented by" and "validated by" link types are only available.
Is there any other way to create links between RRC requirements ( i.e: "linked to" and "linked from" links )
ThanksAccepted answer
Hello Daniel,
(good question!)
I don't think it's possible.
(refer to questions and answers at the bottom of the page)
See also RM spec - http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/RmSpecificationV2