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Rename "user" "Nicht zugewiesen" to "Unassigned"

Michael A. (15813) | asked Oct 14 '13, 2:35 a.m.
In our initial RTC installation two languages were installed - "German" and "English". This resulted in a strange combination of language strings. Parts of the Web UI were English, parts were in German. Absolutely inacceptable.

After Upgrading to 4.0.3 I just installed "English". This solved the language issue - our UI is now in one language.

In RTC there is still one part remaining in "German" - the "User" - "Unassigned". Whenever someone wants to remove the "Owned by" entry the person has to select "Nicht zugewiesen" instead of "Unassigned". Does anyone have an idea how to rename the User "Nicht zugewiesen" back to "Unassigned"?

I have already checked the process configuration as well as the user list. But I could not locate the "user" somewhere.


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 14 '13, 3:13 a.m.
Hi Michael, I am not sure what happened in your case. I have described what I know so far in this question. What you hill hardly be able to change is, if you used a German template and the process instance has inherited the german translation. Otherwise, you can force the server to talk English and you can force the clients to do that too, as described in the answer to my question.

Michael A. commented Oct 14 '13, 3:53 a.m.

Hi Ralph, thank's for your reply. On our installation it seems that adding a VM param is not required anymore as RTC does not have the German translation. I totally agree with your statement regarding "mixing languages". To me it seems that this issue is still unresolved.

In my case it seems that the string "Nicht zugewiesen" (as something like a "virtual user") is hard coded somewhere - probably the database. I am pretty sure that this was introduced when the project was initially setup and the "wrong" locale was selected.

Do you have an idea where I should start searching? Any table in the database?


Ralph Schoon commented Oct 14 '13, 4:54 a.m.

Hi Michael,

I think you still want to set the locale to en on your server, even if German language is not installed, to make sure the template is based on that locale.
You also want to convince all the clients (JBE, SCM, Eclipse, Browser) to be on that locale. If you still see German, it is most likely not in the DB - which you should avoid to touch, if it is not support suggesting to do it.

I would look into the process attachments (2nd page in the Eclipse Project Area editor) and check if there is German language in any of them.

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