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Why do we get "completed with error" message after printing the PDF for Test Plan?

Sarvendra Kumar (1922426) | asked Oct 03 '13, 12:49 p.m.
edited Oct 04 '13, 9:15 a.m.

 I have a TEst PLan, to is attached number of Test Cases, say 50 while doing the Print PDF(Export Comprehensive/Export Detail) of the Test Plan, I am gettig the message of "completed with error", however i could not find out the difference in the content of the UI of the TEst Plan and the printed PDF.

RQM 4.0.3 General Release is being used.

4 answers

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Brett Bohnn (94111156) | answered Oct 03 '13, 1:59 p.m.
Hi Sarvendra,

It sounds like you do have the PDF artifact but you are not sure if the error thrown resulted in any missing sections/ data or possibly malformed data in the output. There is no easy way to diff what you see in the PDF with the test plan in the UI and all of its linked artifacts (e.g. 50 plus testcases).

I would suggest some general troubleshooting first. You might try to use the Duplicate feature to duplicate the test plan either to the same project or a different project and see if the same error is thrown when exporting the PDF. If the problem does occur in the duplicated test plan, you can try to remove all test cases from the duplicate copy and see if the same error is thrown. If it is not, you can add groups of test cases back to the test plan and try to isolate the problem.

I would also mark the exact time you reproduce the problem and look for exceptions/stack traces in the qm.log (or SystemOut.log with WAS) to see if there is more information on generic error from the UI printed to the log. A stack trace may help further isolate the problem.


Sarvendra Kumar commented Oct 03 '13, 2:50 p.m.

Hi Brett

I did the general troubleshooting. I created duplicate which contains the reference to the child artifacts. In this case I got the error

Further I tried to narrow down the test cases bby deleting them in groups(in group of 5 test cases), at a point the error stopped coming(at about 25 test cases).I thought the problem ight be because of some corrupt or erraneous test case that might be present in the latest batch of the test cases i deleted,so I added that group of test cases back and tried the print PDF,I was given the error

I tried to further dig down,so I deleted 2 test cases from that last group added in the above step.The error was still shown

I further deleted the test cases one by one till whole of the group exhausted(the set of 5 test cases which i thought to be problematic). But the error kept on coming

After this, the error came upon for the earlier set of 25 test cases for which the error had  stopped showing when I tried to trouble shoot by hit and trial

Further since then the error has kept showing,so far, no matter what test case I delete or add.

Sarvendra Kumar commented Oct 04 '13, 9:13 a.m.

Hi Brett

We did the stack trace. However a starnge behaviour is found.

Suppose, we have a  Test case id 101 in a Test Plan and the pdf is printed, it happened to be succesful.

Later  we added and removed few test cases from the Test Plan (the test case id 101 is still attached), error shows up upon printing.

In log, it was  found that there was exception shown against that Test Case id 101. However in initial print it was successful.

Further there are exceptions seen for Test CAse Execution records and also for some resources such as "testphase"(iterations).

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Brett Bohnn (94111156) | answered Oct 04 '13, 8:18 p.m.
Hi Sarvendra,

What version of RQM are you using? What OS is hosting RQM and are you using Tomcat or WAS?

It sounds like isolating down to a problem artifact is not the right approach. I have seen cases where data in an artifact caused a PDF export error and the isolation approach worked to find the culprit. Typically those stop the job entirely or the PDF exports with unexpected characters like XHTML tags in certain sections.

Are there possibly other jobs in the Export Job Queue? From the PDF menu where you export the test plan go to View Export Job Queue. Look for export jobs that may be stuck and need to be cleared/deleted. If possible, delete jobs from the queue and try exporting the test plan with nothing in the queue.

Can you also put an example of the exception you mentioned for test case ID 101 here?


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Sarvendra Kumar (1922426) | answered Oct 03 '13, 2:52 p.m.

Hi Brett

I have yet to confirm with stack traces. I will do that when my team will be there tomorrow, in co-ordination with me.

Sarvendra Kumar commented Oct 04 '13, 9:14 a.m.

Hi Brett

We did the stack trace. However a starnge behaviour is found.

Suppose, we have a  Test case id 101 in a Test Plan and the pdf is printed, it happened to be succesful.

Later  we added and removed few test cases from the Test Plan (the test case id 101 is still attached), error shows up upon printing.

In log, it was  found that there was exception shown against that Test Case id 101. However in initial print it was successful.

Further there are exceptions seen for Test CAse Execution records and also for some resources such as "testphase"(iterations).

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Shitanshu Lall (111) | answered Jun 21 '16, 12:11 a.m.
Any solution to this answer? We are facing similar problems.

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