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Way for collaborators to communicate as an asset is taken through the lifecycle.

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Oct 03 '13, 12:56 a.m.

Hello RAM Dev. team,

We are using RAM and we have a requirement from our users.

The requirement goes something like this :

"When one user moves the asset from one state to the next in the lifecycle, he should be able to enter some comments so that the user in the next state can take some action on the asset."

I am aware of the Collaboration tab in RAM however, when a user posts a comment there, it is most likely that the comment gets lost amidst the status showing the policies execution.

Please advise.

Thanks and regards,


Accepted answer

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Oct 03 '13, 11:31 a.m.
If that user moves the asset to the next state (noise/policies take place) .. and then the user post a message on the review section... collaborators in the new state will get an email with that message, and it is likely that that message is at the top
Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram selected this answer as the correct answer

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram commented Oct 10 '13, 3:49 a.m.

thanks Gili! 

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram commented Oct 30 '13, 9:18 a.m.

Is it possible to delete a comment that was added by a user?

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