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Is this expected behavior??

Ankit Jain (6423639) | asked Sep 26 '13, 3:54 a.m.
 Not able to add "Tag" to key words if left undefined when creating keyword the first time.


1. Create a Keyword (but leav the "Tag" description undefined) add it to a script and save

2. Navigate to the saved Keyword set it in edit mode and define a Tag description

3. Save the edited Tag description


The edited tag gets cleared when saving see the screen shots.

Accepted answer

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Sep 26 '13, 5:05 a.m.
The screenshots are not uploaded to your post, but anyway, this seems like a defect.
Please file a defect workitem in RQM.
Ankit Jain selected this answer as the correct answer

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