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DBadmin privileges to configure already created DW in RRDI setup?

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Apr 14 '15, 12:17 p.m.
I'm in the process of configure RRDI on an CLM 4.0.6. In the step 3 "Configure Data Warehouse" , database (DW) administrator user and password  is required. It is very difficult to me to get a database administrator user, but I cant access to a user that has access privileges.

If the database is already created , do I required adminitrator privileges ? or can I configure the RRDI step 3 with only a user with read privileges (or what permissions do I need ). ?


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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Apr 14 '15, 6:17 p.m.

Hi Cesar,

Assuming the DW database is already created, then you do not need to create a new database. I´d suggest to specify the same credentials that has been specified in CLM (i.e. ccm/admin > Reports > Data Warehouse Connection)

By the way, what´s the database vendor?

Cesar Sasaki commented Apr 14 '15, 6:31 p.m.

Hi Alexandre

Yes the DW  database is already created. I do not want to create a new database just configure (try to connect) in the RRDI setup.  I cant use the same credentials used in CLM , because I did not install/configure the CLM. But I want to ask a user with some privileges/permissions over the DW  database. What I dont know what kind of permissions do I need?(If the db is already created). Because getting admin user is kind of impossible here.

I'm using db2


Alexandre Stegani commented Apr 28 '15, 5:35 p.m.

Hi Cesar,

The user account must have DBADM authority over the DW database.

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