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Cannot create sandbox - Error CRJAZ2612E

Leonardo Rota-Rossi (1111) | asked Sep 19 '13, 10:46 a.m.
When trying to create a sandbox (either sandbox01 or sandbox02) I get the following error:

Error 403: CRJAZ2612E Authenticated user "leorossi" does not exist in the repository. The user may need to be imported into the repository.

Lionel Li commented Sep 19 '13, 11:48 a.m.

Hi Leonardo,

I've confirmed that the sandbox is experiencing some technical issues and our service team is working on it. 

Please check regularly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks a lot. 

3 answers

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Lionel Li (23111216) | answered Sep 19 '13, 11:23 a.m.
 Hi Leonardo,

I was able to create the sandbox01 without problems.
I think it might be some issues with your account. 

Please make sure your account is logged in (try logout and log in back)

If the problem remains, please send the details (which username, what task you tried to perform, etc.) to and they should be able to check your account in the repository for you. 

Thanks a lot.

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Shilpa Toraskar (IBM) (2294) | answered Sep 19 '13, 12:32 p.m.
Hi Lenoardo

You account was not synced up on 'sandbox01' due to our registration sync process delay. It's been synced now and you should be to create projects on sandbox01.

We still have issue with sandbox02. We are working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Shilpa Toraskar (IBM) (2294) | answered Sep 19 '13, 1:41 p.m.
Hi Lenoardo

Sandbox02 is up now as well. Thanks.

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