When I attempt to access my sandbox, I get the following error:
An error has occurred while processing a server request. The server returned this error code: 401.
The details are:
ID CRRRW7553E A message that was received from the server indicates an error with no specific handler.
Unable to load /sandbox02-rm/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.webuiInitializer.IWebUIInitializerRestService/initializationData status: 401
_6@https://jazz.net/sandbox02-rm/web/_js/?include=B~&etag=E0YA7Sf9KIR_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Fsandbox02-rm&ss=GTA5j&locale=en-us:2489:8 _6@https://jazz.net/sandbox02-rm/web/_js/?include=B~&etag=E0YA7Sf9KIR_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Fsandbox02-rm&ss=GTA5j&locale=en-us:6187:1 _13@https://jazz.net/sandbox02-rm/web/_js/?include=B~&etag=E0YA7Sf9KIR_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Fsandbox02-rm&ss=GTA5j&locale=en-us:6202:1.
When I attempt to create a new sandbox I get the following error:
Error 403: CRJAZ1394E The "dshannon" user ID cannot connect to the repository because it is not assigned to a repository group that has permissions to access the repository.