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RTC SCM CLI: Load files from snapshot, stream, or workspace

Michael Taylor (8865764) | asked Jul 24 '14, 12:41 p.m.

I'm looking for the simplest way to load files to a local file system from a snapshot and a stream using the RTC SCM CLI (command line interface).

I found the "load" command but that appears to only load from a workspace.  Is there a way to do that for a snapshot and a stream?

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jul 24 '14, 1:20 p.m.
Loading is only allowed for workspaces. You should be loading content from a workspace that was created from a snapshot or is up to date with a stream even if you don't intend on change anything.
Michael Taylor selected this answer as the correct answer

Michael Taylor commented Jul 24 '14, 1:27 p.m.


1) Does this "load" command take the files to a file system where I can interact with the files using the host OS or are the files only usable from within RTC?

2) How can I use the SCM CLI to set a workspace equal to a snapshot and a stream (separately)?

Tim Mok commented Jul 24 '14, 3:53 p.m.
I'm not sure what you mean by interacting with the files from the host OS vs. within RTC. It might help if you give an overview of how loading content from a stream or snapshot will allow you to achieve your goal.

At this point, it sounds like you're missing on some of the fundamentals of SCM. I suggest reading up on some of the introductory articles on SCM.

Some articles to look at:

Michael Taylor commented Jul 24 '14, 5:13 p.m.

Comment Part 1:

Sorry for the lack of background.  I was trying to keep this question as succinct as possible.

We currently have an automated/scripted build and deploy process that uses a different SCM repository, downloads the files to be built and deployed to a file system on the build/deploy server, and runs scripted (mostly Linux) commands against those files to build and deploy various parts of the application (many database and various kinds of application servers).  Our task at hand is to migrate all the source code to RTC SCM and to integrate with the existing build/deploy process.

Michael Taylor commented Jul 24 '14, 5:14 p.m.

Comment Part 2 (continued from Part 1)…

This leads to the thought that we can use RTC to identify the work items and associated change sets that are ready/approved to be built/deployed to a particular environment, create a stream and/or a snapshot that matches just the work items/change sets that are to be built/deployed, and move the associated files to the build/deploy server where the existing process can work with the files.

Michael Taylor commented Jul 24 '14, 5:15 p.m.

Comment Part 3 (continued)…

So follow-up question #1 has to do with if we can create a workspace associated with a sandbox on the build server and use the CLI “load” command to get files from the workspace to the OS file system on the build server, will the Linux scripts on that server be able to work with the files as they always would?

Follow-up question #2 has to do with what SCM CLI commands can we use to get the workspace setup properly assuming we have a snapshot and/or a stream defined that has the content that we want to build and deploy.

Thanks for the articles. They will be useful in increasing our understanding of RTC SCM!  Is there a page that has a link to all of the RTC SCM articles?

Michael Taylor commented Jul 25 '14, 3:36 p.m.

Tim or others, with the additional information above, are you able to answer my questions more directly?  Thanks.

1) Does this "load" command take the files to a file system where I can interact with the files using the host OS or are the files only usable from within RTC?

2) How can I use the SCM CLI to set a workspace equal to a snapshot and a stream (separately)?

Tim Mok commented Jul 28 '14, 9:14 a.m.

1) I don't know if you have other specific requirements other than being able to access the content. Load just puts the content on disk and tracks changes.

2) Create a workspace with a snapshot as the initial seed. Look at 'scm help create workspace' for more details.

Definitely read up on SCM. You can access the library on this site and search for articles. The ones linked earlier have more articles linked to it to help you get started. 

I don't think you can easily pull in approved changes without running into change set gaps. You may want to read up on gaps in the library for more details on how to deal with them.

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