Percent Estimated calculation has changed since upgrade - where are settings?
Previously the "percent estimated" - the number to the right of the progress bar at the top of a plan - was based solely on the % of Tasks estimated (in hours). Since the upgrade from 2 to 4, this has changed. The % now also takes into account the % of Stories with Story Points. I like this. One problem - it also takes into account the Epics, which have no weight associated with them, thus each Epic lowers the % estimated. Is there some way I can tell RTC not to count Epics in calculating the % estimated? Otherwise a once useful number is now useless...
One answer
Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k●1●24●31)
| answered Feb 27 '13, 3:14 p.m.
There is a defect here, being tracked by
Mike Shkolnik
commented Feb 27 '13, 4:04 p.m.
I am specifically referring to the handling of Epics in the top-level progress indicator, which is not addressed in that work item.
You are certainly welcome to add that case just to make sure it gets covered. I expect the issue would be automatically addressed as they are both Plan Items and the crux of the problem seems to be counting the "container" for the children (so all child work items are estimated, yet 1 of N, the parent, is not, so you can't get to 100%).
But I can see where counting epics when they are children could be problematic (since they can't carry an estimate at all). What are your expectations in that case? If you have a parent epic with 3 children that are epics should the percent estimated be 100 (because estimating is not possible)?
The other issue here in the larger context are other work items that can't be estimated: Impediment, Retrospective, Adoption Item.
Mike Shkolnik
commented Mar 04 '13, 8:06 p.m.
Any work items that have no "weight" simply should not be counted at all in figuring out % estimated. No hours or story points? Then it should not be counted. Counting it as 100% wouldn't be right either as it would throw off the number. If you have 5 items with no estimate and 5 items with no weight, it should not say 50% estimated when in reality nothing is estimated. In that scenario 0% estimated would be correct.
Mike Shkolnik
commented Mar 06 '13, 2:41 p.m.
This is more broken than I thought.
Your answer
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Just to be sure, I checked the "Types and Attributes" configuration for Epics and there is no Story Points attribute.