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Can we do a bundle flow down from family to 3 products. We are talking about the flow down of 880 change sets into 3 products

Vaibhav S (106353) | asked Jul 26 '19, 4:05 a.m.


 Is there any way to do a bundle flow down from family to 3 products. We are talking about the flow down of 880 change sets into 3 products?

<o:p> </o:p>

Please let me know.


2 answers

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Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Jul 26 '19, 5:12 a.m.
Hi Vaibhav,

You need to use Requirements Configuration Management to effectively do the kind of product family management you are describing with DNG.

Here is an IBM enablement resource with links to other training resources on how to get started with Requirements Configuration Management

Vaibhav S commented Sep 25 '19, 10:41 p.m.

 Thanks Sean F :) 

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 26 '19, 9:25 a.m.

 It depends on whether these are "update" style changes (i.e. the configuration of the family replaces the corresponding configuration of the product) or "merge" style changes (i.e. changes have been made in the family and in each of the products, and you need to merge those changes).

If it is update style changes, then the flow can take place at the global stream level, and you can flow all the changes from the global family stream/baseline to a global product stream in one GUI gesture (the "update" operation).  But it will require a separate gesture for each stream (so if you have a family stream and three product streams, you will need three gestures).

If it is merge style changes, then you need to do this at the DNG component level, and it will require one operation for each component for each stream.   So if all of your family changes appear in one component, all the changes can be delivered in three gestures (one for each product).

Vaibhav S commented Sep 25 '19, 10:42 p.m.

 Thanks  Geoffrey Clemm :)  

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