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Change email address on Jazz Forum

Frank Schophuizen (19323226) | asked Feb 01 '09, 2:25 a.m.
I have changed my email address in my profile on the Jazz Forum.

At the bottom of every post on the Jazz Forum there is an link to E-mail which refers to the old email address. How can I make it use my new email address of my profile?

Thanks for your help,

Accepted answer

permanent link
Seth Packham (1.4k42213) | answered Feb 02 '09, 2:03 p.m.
Frank, we're looking into this. We see that your profile was updated to use your @hotmail address, but it's not reflecting in the forum. Thanks for bringing our attention to it.

Seth Packham Team
Frank Schophuizen selected this answer as the correct answer

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