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scmtools on aix

stephen laws (9184) | asked Jan 31 '09, 11:24 p.m.

We have our build engines running on AIX and would like to push some built jars back into a published project. We do this so that other teams have a known good jar to integrate to (instead of having code).

Is it possible to run the command line scm on AIX? Is there some alternative to get the same behaviour?

Thanks for any help

3 answers

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Feb 02 '09, 6:40 a.m.
Officially I don't think we support AIX for 1.0 and 1.0.X. However, internally we do run on AIX so it should be possible. The only gotcha I can think of is the scm binary not being binary compatible, but if that's the case, simply grab the eclipse binary from a fresh AIX Eclipse 3.3.2 build ( and rename to scm and run. This should work to get you unblocked until we have an official RTC download for AIX.

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stephen laws (9184) | answered Feb 05 '09, 7:33 p.m.
Ok, so simply grabbing the eclipse binary and renaming to scm resulted in the following error:
The Scm executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.

I have the following script for the BuildEngine (jbe), is there something similar I can use for scm?


java -jar $LAUNCHER -application $APPLICATION $*

Any ideas?

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stephen laws (9184) | answered Feb 11 '09, 1:20 a.m.
Just for an update, after finally getting back to this tonight I found the only modification to the jbe script was to change the APPLICATION to

So all that is required is to copy the scmtools directory to an AIX box and use the script below.


java -jar $LAUNCHER -application $APPLICATION $*

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