RTC 6.0.1 Eclipse Luna - m2eclipse plugin install?

I am trying to install the maven integration for eclipse in RTC client Luna.
I get the following error message
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (includes Incubating components) (org.eclipse.m2e.feature.feature.group
Software currently installed: IBM Rational Team Concert Client 2016.4.13.090823 (IBM Rational Team Concert Client com.ibm.sdp.eclipse.ide 2016.4.13.090823)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
OSGi System Bundle 3.10.1.v20140909-1633 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.1.v20140909-1633)
OSGi System Bundle 3.10.0.v20140606-1445 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.0.v20140606-1445)
OSGi System Bundle 3.8.2.v20130911-1509 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.8.2.v20130911-1509)
OSGi System Bundle 3.10.2.v20150203-1939 (org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.2.v20150203-1939)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM Rational Team Concert Client 2016.4.13.090823 (IBM Rational Team Concert Client com.ibm.sdp.eclipse.ide 2016.4.13.090823)
To: org.eclipse.e4.rcp.R422patch.feature.group [1.0.12]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: IBM Rational Team Concert Client 2016.4.13.090823 (IBM Rational Team Concert Client com.ibm.sdp.eclipse.ide 2016.4.13.090823)
To: org.eclipse.e4.rcp.feature.group [1.1.2.v20130130-191718-91FUvGP7GIX2Kgz-z-gvjMvXV1NS]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core
To: bundle org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (includes Incubating components) (org.eclipse.m2e.feature.feature.group
To: org.eclipse.m2e.core []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From Patch: org.eclipse.e4.rcp.R422patch.feature.group 1.0.12 Eclipse e4 Rich Client Platform 1.1.2.v20130130-191718-91FUvGP7GIX2Kgz-z-gvjMvXV1NS (org.eclipse.e4.rcp.feature.group 1.1.2.v20130130-191718-91FUvGP7GIX2Kgz-z-gvjMvXV1NS)
To: org.eclipse.osgi [3.8.2.v20130911-1509]
I noticed another question on the forum using RTC 5.0.2 where they had used standard eclipse with maven then added the RTC plugin. But I have the RTC client.
If I try to install 1.5 of m2eclipse then I have conflict with Bidirectional Text Support.
So can m2eclipse be installed into RTC client? And if not then is that not a problem?
Accepted answer

My fault - I thought the RTC client was eclipse 4.4. Luna. It is actually 4.2 Juno.
So I added http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno to the list of available software sites and then installed m2eclipse.
I guess that site should be part of the download.
2 other answers

Check this forum question: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/39653/maven-scm-plugin-for-rtc and
this: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/42061/has-anyone-installed-m2eclipse-to-rtc-client

Hi Isabel,
thank you for this. The second reference is for RTC 2 so is quite old. But I did not realise that the normal m2eclipse plugin will not work with RTC client and that a special plugin was written for jazz.
And this is already installed?
If it is, then when go to my java project and do a "run as" then I do not see maven on the list. So am very confused by this.