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RTC/RQM v5 and Windows 2012 x64

Scott Raley (13542931) | asked Aug 18 '14, 7:16 a.m.
edited Aug 18 '14, 7:27 a.m.
I have installed RTC?RQM 5 package on a Windows 2012 Standard x64 machine and when I try to launch the service I get the dos screen flash and nothing starts up. I'm logged in as administrator and run the batch file "run as administrator". Anyone tried this yet?

Donald Nong commented Aug 19 '14, 3:17 a.m.

Do you have a antivirus or firewall blocking the java.exe executable? Try to run java.exe in your command prompt.

Scott Raley commented Aug 19 '14, 6:36 a.m.

haven't gotten that far as installing antivirus. I'm sure the firewall is on but is should not block running internal java. I'll try running in the command prompot

Scott Raley commented Aug 19 '14, 8:05 a.m.

firewalls turned off on both sides. Nothing changed

2 answers

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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Aug 22 '14, 9:20 a.m.
It turns out that it was because the Java SE task was not shut down. After I manually ended that process and restarted jazz everything is working.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Aug 19 '14, 12:07 a.m.
While I did not try RTC/RQM5.0 on exact Win 2012 Standard, normally the issue is related to default JVM heap size set too high(-XMX/-XMS set to 4G by default). When we hit this issue, modifying server.startup.bat's Xms/Xmx setting to lower value usually helps. It is not clear how much memory you have got on Win 2012, you may want to give it a try.
Please see some tips from the below discussions:

Scott Raley commented Aug 19 '14, 6:36 a.m.

Memory should not be a problem with 96gigs of RAM.

Scott Raley commented Aug 19 '14, 1:44 p.m.

this didn't solve the problem. so I found the article about not putting it in the Program Files folder structure with server and its "virtualization" so put it in a seperate folder which allows Tomcat to startup in 29000 ms but I get error 404 on any link I try locally ( with or without /jts/setup or /admin). I do not even see the apache tomcat page display. all internal firewalls are off and there are no proxy settings.

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