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MY STUFF throwing errors

Ratheesh Madathil (1371829) | asked Sep 06 '13, 5:18 a.m.
When I try to see my questions under "my stuff" forum, I see only one question, followed by the text "An error occurred while fetching your current questions. Try again later". And it doesn't help to try again later. The error just occurs again.
It is the same if I click "My comments" or other links under that..

Does any one experienced this? Can somebody help from the forum admins side?

One answer

permanent link
Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Sep 06 '13, 7:44 a.m.
Thanks for letting us know!  I'm e-mailing the team to let them know.

I just tried clicking through all of the tabs on the My Stuff: Forum page (Activity on my favorite tags, My questions, My answers, My comments, and Subscribed by me), and I didn't see any errors--content loaded on all of the tabs. 

What browser are you using?

Ratheesh Madathil commented Sep 06 '13, 7:56 a.m. | edited Sep 06 '13, 10:23 a.m.


I was using browser IE 8. But since you mentioned I just tried in Firefox, there it is working!.

Lauren Hayward Schaefer commented Sep 06 '13, 7:58 a.m.

I'm glad you got a partial fix.  I just tested in IE9, and I wasn't able to reproduce the error there either.

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