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Mini Dashboard gets stuck and won't close

Pooja Srivastava (3011518) | asked Apr 09 '15, 5:05 p.m.
On occasion (at least 3 times), the mini dashboard sticks, and won't close when you click away from it. This has only happened when working on my laptop screen instead of being plugged into a large monitor.  Requires a refresh or shutting down the tool and restarting.

Donald Nong commented Apr 09 '15, 10:58 p.m.

What's your question? If you wondering the "possible causes", try with different browsers and also check whether any errors reported in the browser console.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | answered Jun 02 '15, 6:05 a.m.
I faced this problem with Internet Explorer.

I started using Google Chrome and everything works fine.
Pooja Srivastava selected this answer as the correct answer

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