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Multiple version of requirements in RRC

kameswari visarapu (121212) | asked Aug 28 '13, 7:57 a.m.

Hi Team,

we have a requirement to manage same set of requirements to multiple customers. How do we manage multiple version of same requirements in RRC. Each version may vary in some of the requirements. Ideally we needs to have one core document and multiple version of core document with couple of addition/deletion/modifications.


2 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Aug 28 '13, 10:30 a.m.
If your requirements may vary in another set of requirements, then you will need to make copies to "branch" the requirements.  Then you could link back to to the original to simply the (manual) effort of comparing and deciding when to propagate changes back to the original or other variants.

Note that we have work underway to bring concepts of configuration management to the requirements domain (and across domains, e.g., requirements and designs in a stream, sharing a baseline) -- we demonstrated work in progress at the IBM Innovate conference in the USA in June.  You can find plans in our RM work item system here on -- look for plans that have "VVC" in the name (which stands for versions, variants and configurations).  Once we deliver this capability in a generally available release your scenario will be more natively/naturally supported in the tools.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Aug 29 '13, 7:18 a.m.
Another option is to create a "core" requirement artifact and then embed that artifact in each customer requirement variant, so that these artifacts contain both the "core" embed as well as the description that is unique to that customer.

If you need variations of the same customer requirement then you would copy the customer requirements as Daniel mentioned.

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