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SSL Certificates on a single server with multiple DNS aliases for each Jazz Application

Adrian Daniels (6312120) | asked Sep 24 '12, 10:23 a.m.
edited Oct 02 '12, 2:14 p.m. by Robert Rassmann (9923)
I have configured a server with CLM 4.0 and in order to future proof the server move capability I have had DNS aliases configured for each application, exactly as described in the Rational documentation

I have come to configure the SSL certificates for this configuration and it appears that I cannot have multiple certificates in the TomCat key store.

Is there a work around for this ?


Adrian Daniels commented Sep 24 '12, 10:38 a.m.

Do I just need to get a single certificate with multiple Subject Alternative Names (SAN) in it ?

I have only just found this after posting the question - a confirmation that this will work will be good.

Regards, Adrian

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