Does the progress bar in top level work items show progress?
I have trying ot figure out how the progress bar works in a top level item. I am using Out of the box Scrum process, RTC 4.0.3, RHEL 6, Windows RTC eclipse client. The progress bar in the top level item never shows progress.
1. Create a story with no children and save with owner, planned for, filed against, and priority BUT no points and save. This is the progress bar:
1. If I explicitly refresh story after save the progress bar changes to following. The popup show Items with hours 100%. There are no items with hours
1. If I select point and save the pop up doesn’t change. When I explicitly refresh the progress bar changes and the dialog
NowI create a task with no estimate and make it a child of the Story. The progress bar changes to the following. There are no items with hours. I do not know what 75% means
1. I now add an estimate to the task and save. The story and pop up don’t change. After refreshing the story I get the following. Not all items have hours – only the task does bit I guess at this point it also counting the story as having hours. Is this correct behavior?
1. I now add another task as a child with no estimate. I get the following. Only one item has hours but again I guess it is counting the story as having hours because of the rollup?
1. I now add an estimate to the second task. . The story does not change – I have to explicitly refresh. I get the following. He sums are correct – only two items have hours
1. Now I record time spent against the first task. I have to explicitly refresh the story. I get the following. I would think the progress bar would show something. The numbers are summed correctly.
1. I set the story into start working and tasks 1 and 2 into start working. There is no change to the story.
2. I now add more time spent to the first task. The sum of hours spent is correct but no change to the progress bar.
3. I close task one – the progress bar is still empty
4. I add time spent to Task 2. The hours sum up in the story correctly
5. Add more time spent to Task 2 and close it
6. Sum in the Story is correct, progress bar is still empty.
7. I close the story and the progress bar is still empty.