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RTC enterprise package extension

James Cole (9532630) | asked Feb 26 '13, 6:52 a.m.
 Hi All, 

I have seen the IBM Rational Team Concert 4.0 extensibility workshop, which shows how to create a work item and on a particular state trigger off a build. I would like to do almost the reverse in that I want to trigger off the build and test the work item, but I only want to allow the build to happen if the work item is in a particular state. (i.e. completed)

I will be doing IBMi dependency builds (the solution would be the same as Java/Visual Studio as I assume I would test the source work items), but they might be scheduled late at night and therefore I need to attach this extension to the 'request build operation'. Can an extension be a pre-condition for any operation (i.e. build, package, deployment and work item etc)?

The same condition would apply for packages, in that the item would not package if any work item was not in the correct state. For example, I would create a package for a new release and as part of the shipping list, I would select various work items (work item packaging) and let RTC work out the objects to package. They could be Java and/or RPG objects either way the package would be defined the same. I would then need to test all the work item states and if one of them is not completed, then the package is not created. 

Has anyone tried this situation (i.e. what Java API and classes to use)? 

Many thanks 

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 26 '13, 7:08 a.m.
edited Feb 26 '13, 9:20 a.m.
I guess you would have to hook into request Build (server). I have listed some links at especially for the operation ID's. Except of I haven't done a lot with the build API yet.

Robin Bobbitt posted some more around build here:

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 26 '13, 7:09 a.m.

Another option would be to extend the JBE as Robin describes in her blog and to cancel builds if they should not run.

James Cole commented Feb 26 '13, 8:59 a.m.

Thanks for this.

I will look into these in more detail.

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Kevin Doyle (60425) | answered Feb 26 '13, 10:54 a.m.
For packaging we already have this kind of precondition out of the box.  You can add the precondition "Require Work Item States".  The packaging will fail if any of the work items to package are not in the one of the work item states required by the precondition.

James Cole commented Feb 26 '13, 10:59 a.m.

Hi Kevin,

Funnily enough I just found this just before you post.

So the question is that will this be made available for deployment?


Kevin Doyle commented Feb 26 '13, 11:28 a.m.

We don't have any plans currently.  I don't see an Enhancement at quick glance for this, but we have an Enhancement for the follow up actions that packaging has to be made available for Deployment. 

The "modify work item state" follow-up action should be available for deployments just as it is for promotions (179138)

Feel free to open an Enhancement request if this is something you would like to see.

James Cole commented Jul 04 '13, 9:02 a.m.

Hi Kevin, 

So I can see how to create an extension that will enable me to use it on a deployment and/or package request. However, it looks like the dependant files are not available to use. Is this correct?

Also I cannot find any documentation on extending the package and deployment options in the process configuration. Is there any documentation on this?

Also is the extensibility of the build toolkit supported? 


Kevin Doyle commented Jul 04 '13, 5:59 p.m.

Hi James,

The Enterprise Extension plug-ins are not part of the RTC SDK.  Others have been manually adding them from the client/server when developing extensions.

We don't have any documentation for extending the EE functionality as we are not part of the RTC SDK.  Since Packaging/Deployment are built on top of the Build component it is best to look at the Build docs for information. 

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