RTC enterprise package extension

2 answers

Robin Bobbitt posted some more around build here: http://ryehle.wordpress.com/


Hi Kevin,

We don't have any plans currently. I don't see an Enhancement at quick glance for this, but we have an Enhancement for the follow up actions that packaging has to be made available for Deployment.
The "modify work item state" follow-up action should be available for deployments just as it is for promotions (179138)
Feel free to open an Enhancement request if this is something you would like to see.

Hi Kevin,

Hi James,
The Enterprise Extension plug-ins are not part of the RTC SDK. Others have been manually adding them from the client/server when developing extensions.
We don't have any documentation for extending the EE functionality as we are not part of the RTC SDK. Since Packaging/Deployment are built on top of the Build component it is best to look at the Build docs for information.