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What is the cause of this permission Error when trying to save a work item?

Michael Alberda (2311648) | asked Oct 21 '19, 8:17 a.m.
Good Day,

When a user is saving a work item, they are receiving the below error.

Permission Denied: You do not have the permissions to perform the following actions: cleanup

We have an inheritance plugin deployed whereby this work item type inherits attributes from a parent. I am not sure if this is somehow the cause. I have never seen a cleanup permission error before.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

One answer

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Sudipto Sarkar (631443) | answered Oct 21 '19, 8:25 a.m.
Hi, we get this error when the user is lacking sufficient role to save workitem.
You can view the permission in Manage this Project area -> permissions -> search by operation -> Save workitem.

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