Why a new macro element not included in the CQ Activity created by BuildForge Deliver job?
I ran into compile issue but the BF Build job failed due to compile error that it could not find the new macro. After a bit of investigation, it turns out that there is one new macro which is the first time we have a new macro added.
I can see the new macro in the version tree but it did not get delivered to SA and QA stream.
I went back to review the SA Deliver job and checked the new CQ Activity that was created by this job and verified the Changeset. I found that the new macro was not included in this new Activity.
I am unable to understand why this is happening and am hoping maybe you might be able to give me some ideas as to what would stop/prevent a new macro from being included in the newly created Activity by the job to be delivered to SA & QA.
Any answers / assistance would be greatly appreciated!