Assistance: Unable to query multiple categories terms and values for a Test Suite through the REST API

I am trying to query terms and values within a test suite, for example I have a category named "02 Test Phase" with multiple values and another category named "18 Bundle Id" also with multiple values. I'm trying to write a single query where "02 Test Phase" equals "SIT", and "18 Bundle Id" equals "0002". There are 5 test suite records with the given combination. When I use an "OR", I get all records with either category and value, when I use "AND" zero records are returned. In the Test Suite View I can easily select filtering criteria across multiple categories. I would greatly appreciate any help from the expertise in the community.
Returns hundreds of values .... testsuite?fields=feed/entry/content/testsuite/(identifier|title|category[(@term="02 Test Phase" and @value="SIT") or (@term="18 Bundle Id" and @value="0002")])
Returns 0 Entries.... testsuite?fields=feed/entry/content/testsuite/(identifier|title|category[(@term="02 Test Phase" and @value="SIT") and (@term="18 Bundle Id" and @value="0002")])
2 answers


I corrected the example: the first select should have contained an "or" and the second the "and". Any thoughts on a possible workaround?

Unfortunately, no. I debugged the request and it appears to be related to the underlying database query.

Thomas/Paul: any detail on the underlying DB that could make this kind of requests to fail ?

Stephane, it's not a failure but rather an invalid result set. The query predicate appears correct but the expected test suite(s) are not returned in the result set. I tested using Derby/Tomcat.

and it is resolved in RQM version 4.0.5
Thanks Paul!