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RQM Adapter Extention

Abhijit Mandal (111) | asked Feb 10 '16, 5:04 a.m.
Hello All,

I am trying to develop an adapter  and register it in RQM.
while creating a Testcase in RQM  we select the adapter type like manual type,Command line type etc and the
UI get changes according to the type.
so i need to develop similar type  custom  UI for my new Adapter type.
so can any one help to get the extension point for RQM UI.
and can share any link where i can get SDK for RQM.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Don Yang commented Feb 10 '16, 7:45 p.m. | edited Feb 11 '16, 12:48 a.m.

Hi, Abhijit

You may find public API and adapter development samples for RQM here:

Abhijit Mandal commented Feb 10 '16, 11:52 p.m.

Hello Yang,

Thanks for sharing the Link by giving your precious time.i have already developed the adapter with this Link you shared,but i have to create the Type of the Adapter, as you can see below we have some types when we create a test script in RQM and according to the Type we select the UI get when i add a new Type in the drop down  i must be able to change the UI to my Adapter i need plugin  form RQM to create a new UI for my Adapter type.

Don Yang commented Feb 11 '16, 12:53 a.m.

I misunderstood your original request hence I am converting my answer to comments so that someone else can provide better answers to your questions.

I can not find further doc to extend RQM UI other than general qm OSLC specification:
I was thinking the adapter development page is enough for you to execute the script so long as it is registered and you can use command line type of script with the custom adapter to execute:

  1. For adapters which are already registered, adapter should just do a GET using saved URL to make sure adapter has not been deleted from Rational Quality Manager
  2. Once adapter is connected to the Rational quality manager, it should show up in Adapter Console. To view Adapter console, select Execution -> Adapter Console.
  3. Now Rational quality manager can use this adapter to execute any automation which the adapter is capable of executing.

Abhijit Mandal commented Feb 11 '16, 1:08 a.m.

Hello Yong,

Thanks for understanding. yes I created an adapter based on existing type.
but now i want to change to new Type or you can say register new Type.
so for new type,we should have new UI according to the requirement of that type of adapter.
say for Example if we register Selenium adapter or QTP adapter for both Type UI will change when we create
Test Script and select the Type in RQM .same way for my New Adapter Type UI need to change,and i need Plugins to create or add a new UI.

Abhijit Mandal commented Feb 11 '16, 2:13 a.m.

Hello Yong,

I am able to find someting Like below while executing similar url as you maintained
<dcterms:title>Default creation factory for AutomationAdapter</dcterms:title>

but <oslc:CreationFactory>
<dcterms:title>Default default creation factory for testscript</dcterms:title>
i don't get here.

Don Yang commented Feb 11 '16, 4:38 p.m.

I think you have followed the suggestions on adapter development:

. It is a bit different here for qm_OSLC discovery URL: https://server:port/qm/oslc_qm/catalog

showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

One answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Feb 11 '16, 1:32 a.m.
I guess the similar approach (as how you developed adapter) on discovery mechanism could apply to UI creation. for example, from https://server:port/qm/oslc_qm/catalog, the response XML file, find the entry of service.xml like
2. Run https://server:port/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_lOUgkJ5fEd-SNKZzk9mZxQ/services.xml
and GET command again to get the details. Find out the section:
<oslc:CreationFactory> default creation factory for testscript

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