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How to filter on RRC description attribute

Stephen Toop (11112223) | asked Aug 12 '13, 11:04 a.m.

RRC 4.0.1

I am looking to create a filter in RRC based on the folder and text in the description attribute.

The description attribute is not available in the attribute filter list.

So, is it not possible to do this or is there another way?

My work around so far is to create a view of the folder with the description column displayed, Save and export the view to csv then search in the csv. It works but not as elegant as we'd like.

Stephen Toop

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Aug 12 '13, 12:56 p.m.
 There are different mechanisms used under the covers for (1) full-text search and (2) filter-based queries. So it's not currently possible to include full-text searches in filters.  You are welcome to open an enhancement request and explain it's value to you.

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