Command-line adapter
I need to install a command line adapter for one of our customers sing RQM and in the help notes I have found an information which sounds a bit confusing to me: "The executable file java.exe must be accessible in the path."
On which machine should this jave.exe be: Tester machine, server machine or Target teste machine?
Thank you,
6 answers
Configure Rational Quality Manager Adapter
1. Rational Quality Manager provides command line adapter to execute tests. In a standard installation, this adapter will be present in C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf\qm\adapters\ Extract and Copy RQM command line adapter folder to the client machine where JUnit scripts reside. In this example the script is copied to folder C:\RQM Adapter\RQMCommandLineAdapter.
2. Create a configuration file (Junitconfig.ini) to connect to RQM server. Execute following command from Command prompt
C:\RQM Adapter\RQMCommandLineAdapter> start.bat -repository https://jazz-server:9443/qm -user ADMIN -password ADMIN -adapter RQMAdapter -adapterName Mani-RQMJUnit -projectArea JKE+Banking+%28Quality+Management%29 -configFile Junitconfig.ini
User will get the following success response
The adapter is now connected
Created Commandline Adapter
- Please refer to "readme.txt" present in the RQMCommandLineAdapter folder for additional parameters
- If you get error message at this stage, check for the input parameters and the Java setting (CLASSPATH, PATH). Following tec note can also be helpful