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RAM - Stuck on loading

Liora Milbaum (513289118) | asked Aug 02 '13, 1:18 a.m.
When entering the Community page, I see a loading notification which never ends.

Do you have an idea how to troubleshoot this issue?


Gili Mendel commented Aug 02 '13, 9:20 a.m.

Does it happen on FF or IE as well?
Open the Tools->JavaScript console ... do have any errors?

2 answers

permanent link
Liora Milbaum (513289118) | answered Aug 03 '13, 10:04 a.m.
 It happened on IE as well. Restarted the machine and the problem disappeared.


permanent link
Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Aug 05 '13, 11:39 a.m.
 This problem is often caused by the web server path being set to the incorrect value on the configuration page.  Log in as a repository administrator and navigate to Administration -> Configuration and make sure the 'Web Server Path' is set to correct value.  Note that you must use that same URL to access RAM in your browser.  For example, if the 'Web Server Path' value is set to, you would see problems if you try to access RAM using (note the URL is http instead of https) or https://localhost/ram.

Liora Milbaum commented Aug 05 '13, 1:58 p.m.

Thanks. I'll check it next time the problem returns. The server is working now after the restart.

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