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What is the ID showing in Execution Console in RQM? Is that a test case result ID or test case execution record?

Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | asked Jul 31 '13, 9:26 a.m.
How can we map the ID showing in Execution Console in RQM with which artifact is it referring to?
I checked in test case execution record and test case result. It is not showing the same ID as in execution console.

I want to get the artifact which is showing in execution console from test case execution record or test case result.

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William Chen (31215) | answered Jul 31 '13, 4:45 p.m.
Hi Chuchita,

The execution console web id is an Execution Console artifact type as shown below:

Also, you can learn more about TCER and TCR from RQM Data Dictionary:



Shuchita Tripathi commented Aug 01 '13, 3:13 a.m.

Hi Will,

Thanks for your response.

Can you please help me understand, how will i map the artifacts present in execution console in TCR?

The situation is - From execution console, i want to cancel a particular artifact and then i want to open that artifact from TCER/TCR and see if its state is coming as cancelled or not.

Can you please help me understand this?

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