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Modifying Process Templates

Sean Burke (3789144247) | asked Jul 30 '13, 5:59 p.m.
 If you start with one process template can you globally change the template to where those changes would be reflected across all projects using that template.

For example I have a SCRUM template that is used by a number of project areas.  I change the SCRUM template.  Will those projects using the scrum template be effected?

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Jul 30 '13, 9:36 p.m.
No, Templates (Process, Work Items, Dashboard) work pretty much the same way.  It is there for use while you create something afresh.  Once a item (project area, work items, dashboard) is created using the template, its pretty much disconnected from the Template. 

I believe you already know of the configuration area/sections for a Project Area.  Once you create a project area using some template, now the configuration section could/should be used to refine your processes.

Now if you wish to apply common process to multiple project areas, so that they can later be altered at one place and propagated to others automatically, you could use the Process Sharing option.  
This is available from Eclipse client > Project Area Editor > Overview Tab > Process Sharing > "Allow other Project Areas to use the process configuration from this project area"
The child project areas would then refer to this project area from their Process Sharing section but using "Use the process configuration from another project area for this project area"

hope this helps.
Jared Burns selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jul 30 '13, 7:27 p.m.
Hi sean,
The following article provides details of how process sharing works

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Thomas Yu (45183) | answered Aug 02 '13, 11:11 p.m.
Hi Sean,

What you want to achieve is the process sharing instead of modifying the process templates just as Abraham mentions.

As Dinesh says, process template and the projects that are created based on it will behave independently once the projects are created.

Please refer to the article to see how process sharing work.

sam detweiler commented Aug 03 '13, 9:56 a.m.

they should be called Project Initializers instead of 'templates'.

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