Lost Functionality in RTC CCM 4.0.3 SVN PlugIn no Longer configurable

This is the Eclipse RTC client version downloaded from jazz.net
Rational Team Concert
Version: 4.0.3
Build id: RTC-I20130517-1856
We can install the 4.0.2 RTC Client and the functionality is there and configurable as indicated in the documentation found on Jazz.net.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. we did open a PMR for this issue.
2 answers

select add --> use the archive selection to traverse to the location of the zip file. Run the installations ensuring you click Group items by category.
The Jazz SVN Connections are still categorized in a different menu Window-->show view-->other--File System
The rest of the configuration for SVN Plugin follows the same instructions for previous versions. Works fine.
Hope this helps others....

here are the results
RTC 4.0.2 Eclipse Client installed SVN Plugin Installed and Configured works
RTC 4.0.2 Eclipse Client installed with SVN Plugin Installed and Configured, upgrade to RTC 4.0.3 works
RTC 4.0.2 Eclipse Client installed no SVN Plugin Upgrade to RTC 4.0.3 install SVN Plugin able to configure works
RTC 4.0.3 Eclipse Client fresh install, install SVN Plugin unable to configure - broken no options in menus

we have extended our testing and found the following on the Jazz.net site there are two packages available for download
Client for Eclipse 3.6.x IDE
Client for Eclipse 4.2.x IDE
when installed they show the same data for version
Rational Team Concert
Version: 4.0.3
Build id: RTC-I20130517-1856

Hi Wendy,
Given the test cases you provided in here, I would suggest opening a defect against Eclipse Client at the Rational Team Concert Project Area.
Concerning the Plugin Build - I assume they are the same as they refer to the same package adapted for different versions of Eclipse IDE, and as such should contain no real difference between Helios or Juno.
For your reference (which I think might explain the behaviour - testcases 2 and 3 - as even though they were updated to 4.0.3 the client is still Helios 3.6)
- 4.0.2 is based on 3.6 (Helios)
- 4.0.3 is based on 4.2 (Juno)
Regards, Rafael.
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