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How to change character encoding for a file using the java api.

K M (38325251) | asked Jul 26 '13, 10:49 a.m.
I have the file         IFileItem file = (IFileItem) filePath.getFullState();
I can change a few attributes, but I can find nothing about changing the encoding.

I can change the encoding using the gui, but I have not found a way to change it using the java api.

3 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jul 26 '13, 11:24 a.m.
Text encoding isn't handled by source control. It's however the client is set to interpret the file. For Eclipse clients, there are preferences for the encoding that users can set for each type of file. Eclipse can also set the encoding per project. So the change you're making in the GUI isn't being shared with source control. If something is being shared, do you mean some other file property? The recorded properties are executable bit, mime type, and line delimiter.

K M commented Jul 26 '13, 12:25 p.m. | edited Jul 26 '13, 2:10 p.m.

Tim Mok commented Jul 26 '13, 2:13 p.m.

The javadoc for IFileContentManager#storeContent() doesn't state that it stores the encoding. It uses the encoding to perform validation/translation of line endings.

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K M (38325251) | answered Jul 29 '13, 8:41 a.m.
To change the encoding I had to to read the file and restore it using

            IFileContent content = file.getContent();
            IFileContent newcontent = contentManager.storeContent(content.getCharacterEncoding(),content.getLineDelimiter(),
                    new VersionedContentManagerByteArrayInputStreamPovider(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(tmpfile)),null, MONITOR); 
            // Set content to orginal file content
            file = (IFileItem) file.getWorkingCopy();

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K M (38325251) | answered Jul 29 '13, 8:43 a.m.
           IFileContent newcontent = contentManager.storeContent(<new encoding goes here>,content.getLineDelimiter(),
                    new VersionedContentManagerByteArrayInputStreamPovider(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(tmpfile)),null, MONITOR); 

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