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Interface with Jazz with REST or with the Java APIs ?

Adil Chahid (45524118) | asked Mar 26 '09, 5:50 p.m.
Hi all,
In the company I work for, we're trying to interface a ticketing system with RTC.

We were wondering which direction you'd suggest us to go at this point.
Should we integrate with RTC using the provided Jazz APIs or using the REST capabilities.

It doesn't seem that the REST interface is fully functionnal, can you provide us a status in the implementation for version 2.0?

For instance, it doesn't seem that it supports attachements:

Create an attachment [not released yet]

curl -D - -k -b $COOKIES -F projectArea=$JAZZ -F content=@$1 $BASE/attachments

We have to transfer attachements from our current ticketing system to RTC.

Which of the two ways should we follow to interface RTC for version 2.0 ?

We thank you in advance for your time.

3 answers

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Susan Wu (4712116) | answered Mar 27 '09, 1:11 p.m.
Hi all,
In the company I work for, we're trying to interface a ticketing system with RTC.

We were wondering which direction you'd suggest us to go at this point.
Should we integrate with RTC using the provided Jazz APIs or using the REST capabilities.

It doesn't seem that the REST interface is fully functionnal, can you provide us a status in the implementation for version 2.0?

For instance, it doesn't seem that it supports attachements:

Create an attachment [not released yet]

curl -D - -k -b $COOKIES -F projectArea=$JAZZ -F content=@$1 $BASE/attachments

We have to transfer attachements from our current ticketing system to RTC.

Which of the two ways should we follow to interface RTC for version 2.0 ?

We thank you in advance for your time.

Hi Adil,

We are trying to collect answer for your above concern. Please stay tuned.


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Todd Lainhart (40611) | answered Mar 27 '09, 1:16 p.m.
I assume that your integration is client code that's communicating with the Jazz server, as opposed to a Jazz server extension.

The Java APIs in RTC 1.0 are stable and will continue to be supported in future releases. The REST APIs in RTC 1.0 are not stable, and are expected to change.

-- Todd

Todd Lainhart
Jazz Foundation

Hi all,
In the company I work for, we're trying to interface a ticketing system with RTC.

We were wondering which direction you'd suggest us to go at this point.
Should we integrate with RTC using the provided Jazz APIs or using the REST capabilities.

It doesn't seem that the REST interface is fully functionnal, can you provide us a status in the implementation for version 2.0?

For instance, it doesn't seem that it supports attachements:

Create an attachment [not released yet]

curl -D - -k -b $COOKIES -F projectArea=$JAZZ -F content=@$1 $BASE/attachments

We have to transfer attachements from our current ticketing system to RTC.

Which of the two ways should we follow to interface RTC for version 2.0 ?

We thank you in advance for your time.

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Andre Weinand (4811) | answered Mar 30 '09, 9:24 a.m.
I suggest to use the Java APIs since they already provide the necessary functionality.
The REST API will evolve for 2.0 to support the OSLC specification for Change Management, but this does not yet include attachment support.

--andre weinand
Jazz Work Items Team Lead

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