Trace from RRC requirement to RSA model
3 answers
Here is a link from the 4.0.3 information center. It contains information on how to setup and configure the integration. Once this is completed you should have the "derives" link type to link a RRC requirement with an artifact in RSA.
Integrating Design Management capabilities with Rational Requirements Composer
Thanks Erica il try it out, and get back.
HI, im looking into it.
The "derives" il get, is that a "derives form" link in RSA on a model that links to a requirement?
In this, rather old, integration demo, its shown how to export artefacts from RRC and importing them in RSA. Is this a alternative way? and is it still reccomended and supported?
Hi Kristian,
The video demo shows the RRC thick client which was only in 2.x and earlier. Starting in 3.x and later only the web client is available. The download option that the video shows for downloading a project was also only available in 2.x. So the integration displayed in the video is no longer possible.
I suggest looking at the information center for the version of RRC and RSA you currently have to see the steps for the integration for your version.
1 vote
HI Erica
Thanks again, it’s very helpful.
I’m currently in POC/analysis phase now so not all integrations are possible, I’m currently looking into if we have RSA design manager available.
In danske Bank we have 1500+ rational users, currently using RAD,RTC (planning part), RSM (we currently migrating to RSA), RDZ, RMC, etc. But for requirements, permanent documentation and source repository we are using other tools.
As far as I understand now, there is not an actual link between RRC artifacts and RSA models. It seems that link is from RRC artifact to design manager RSA model representations not the actual RSA models. So to do actual tracing from a RRC artifact to a RSA model one needs to do search on ID in RSA. Is this correct?
The integration with RRC is not directly from RSA, it goes via OSCL linking, through RSA Design Manager.
This means you would import your RSA models in RSA Design Manager, and then link the Design Manager resources to RRC artifacts. In RSA, you could install the Design Manager Extension, and from the Design Explorer view you could see the models as stored in the Design Manager Server, as well as their links to RRC artifacts.
Assuming you are using version 4.0.x of RSA DM and RRC:
- this tutorial shows how to establish traceability between Design Manager and CLM applications:
- this page describes the DM-RRC integration:
- this technote describes which versions introduced links in which direction (between RSA DM and RRC):
Does this answer your question?
Thank you and regards, Lara
Hi Lara
Thanks! It give me more insight :)
I still dont really grasp the nature of the integration. In the demo i saw it was shown as you describe, link from RRC req. to RSA DM (design manger) resource, but to find the actual model in RSA a model id search is done. So i guess the what you browse in RSA DM is a static snap shot of RSA model?
But then it confuses me when i read things like this:
"You can share models created in Rational Software Architect or Rational Rhapsody, edit the models by using the web client, and conduct online design reviews with peers and stakeholders.
You can also reuse existing resources and artifacts. For example, you can search the repository to find an element, place it on your own diagrams, and draw relationships to it, or to find an interface or component built by other teams that you want to reuse."
Edit RSA models in web client??
i guess i need to get it up and running to understand, so far we do not have Design manager installed..