Visualizing the work item network

Hi, we have work items that go up to 5 generations (child-of-a-child
etc) deep! It would be great to be see a set of work items in a
visualization showing how they relate to each other - child / parent /
dependson relationships in particular. I haven't seen anything along
these lines, maybe I missed it.
Has there been any ideas on this at all?
Many thanks,
etc) deep! It would be great to be see a set of work items in a
visualization showing how they relate to each other - child / parent /
dependson relationships in particular. I haven't seen anything along
these lines, maybe I missed it.
Has there been any ideas on this at all?
Many thanks,
One answer

On 09/01/2009 14:48, Jeremy Hughes wrote:
items) view. That does it for me.
Hi, we have work items that go up to 5 generations (child-of-a-child
etc) deep! It would be great to be see a set of work items in a
visualization showing how they relate to each other - child / parent /
dependson relationships in particular. I haven't seen anything along
these lines, maybe I missed it.
Has there been any ideas on this at all?
Many thanks,
I just found the Relationships... option on the query results (work
items) view. That does it for me.