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Whose documentation should I trust -- CLM4.0.3 and RRDI 2.01

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Jul 24 '13, 8:56 a.m.
There are explicit contradictions with respect to upgrade of RRDI/CLM


RRDI Upgrade compatibility

For RRDI, the following rules govern upgrades and version compatibility with CLM
  • When upgrading, upgrade CLM first, then RRDI. The report packages for CLM (in the form of Cognos archives) should be loaded after RRDI upgrade.
  • RRDI and CLM upgrades do not have to be done atomically. Intermediate states are supported.
But the "Upgrading" tab on Rational Team Concert 4.0.3 says the exact opposite:

Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence

If you use the optional program Rational® Reporting for Development Intelligence to customize reports, you should upgrade to the corresponding Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0.3 release. You must upgrade Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence before you upgrade your server applications. For more information about Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence, see the related section in Reporting and the upgrade process.

So, which is presenting falsehood ? 

Accepted answer

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Jul 24 '13, 12:15 p.m.
edited Oct 01 '13, 11:54 a.m.

In which case I do not think that you have customisations.   We usually see them when linked to another tool where changes are needed for foreign keys etc.

As for a leisurely pace, I assume you mean could you continue to use RRDI 2.0.1 before upgrading to version 2.0.3, as opposed to being compelled to upgrade them all together?

I just double-checked that this article is correct with the RRDI development team, Compatability Matrix for RRDI, Insight and CLM (updated link to new matrix - 1st Oct '13), and alas it is.
RRDI 2.0.1 is not compatible with CLM 4.0.3, so you will need to upgrade them together.

I should have also mentioned earlier that we are aware of the contradiction you mention and are working on it for the next release.
Also, that our intention is that CLM will upgrade first.

I hope that this information is useful, even if not exactly what you desired to hear.

Kevin Ramer selected this answer as the correct answer

Kevin Ramer commented Jul 24 '13, 12:30 p.m.

Well, after looking at the scope of the RRDI and basing it on the install/configure I did for 2.0.1, upgrading to 2.0.3 will inject a significant amount of time in front of upgrading CLM and we have a rather large collection of CLM applications and their associated RRDI and unfortunately our deployment topology has 1 dissenting CCM whose JTS also is potentially the most active of our RRDI users (but that is small).

I know you wrote slowly, so I could keep up.  Conclusion:  RRDI then CLM is a must or should ?

2 other answers

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Jul 24 '13, 10:15 a.m.

Hi Kevin,

I am afraid both are correct, but therefore both are incomplete.

The rule of thumb to use here, is whether you have any customisations to your data warehouse.

If you have no customisations to your data warehouse then there is nothing that should trip up the upgrade.  In this instance you can upgrade CLM first.

If you have any customisations to your data warehouse, especially if you have integrations to other tools such as ClearQuest, then upgrade RRDI first.

If you do have customisations and wish to discuss this in more detail then I would advise talking to Rational Client Support.


Kevin Ramer commented Jul 24 '13, 11:20 a.m.

If by "customisations" something outside the work-a-day upgrades that got use from 3.0.x to 4.0.1, then our warehousen are not customized.  

Is it reasonable to hope that RRDI can be upgraded at a relatively leasurely pace following CLM 4.0.1 > 4.0.3 ?

The RRDI will be going from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3

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Jeff Babylon (1) | answered Jul 24 '13, 12:55 p.m.
Hi Kevin,
Based on what I read in this chain, and the fact that you are using RRDi OOTB without customization then upgrading CLM first is ok but as Paul pointed out above, You must upgrade your RRDi after you complete the CLM upgrade as well and not treat that as a leisurely take your time option since the current version of RRDi you have is not compatible with CLM 4.0.3.  Hope this helps clarify what Paul was stating.

Kevin Ramer commented Jul 24 '13, 1:10 p.m.

Yes.  I didn't mean at such a pace as to just preceed upgrading to CLM 4.0.4  (or 5), just wanted that I could do it post CLM upgrade (later the same day).  I plan to take snapshot backup of the warehouse db prior to CLM upgrades.

Since RRDI 2.0.3 appears to be ok with CLM4.0.1, I'm planning a test-drive on an RRDI that's there, but not publicised (not connected as Custom Report Server)


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