Where can I find EWM Server SDK for 7.0.3?
We are doing the upgrade of EWM from 7.0.2 SR1 to 7.0.3. While reinstalling our followup action plugins for RTC, one plugin throwed an error.
"CRJAZ1218E The "com.jlr.rmdv.testtaskcreation.service" bundle with the id 745 is invalid, the bundle is not RESOLVED. Examine the the diagnostics that follow this message to determine why the bundle cannot be resolved.
com.jlr.rmdv.testtaskcreation.service [745]
Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.apache.http; bundle-version="4.4.10""
So I am trying to set up a EWM703Dev Environment ot compile the plugin. I had followed the steps from https://jazz.net/wiki/pub/Main/EwmSdk703/EWM_SDK_Setup_UpdatedV2.1.pdf.
But some info are not clear on the steps for setting up the target platform. Eg: Where to get the EWM Server SDK for 7.0.3. And I couldn't find the same in the official IBM documentation site either.
Could you please guide me how and where to get the EWM Server SDK for 7.0.3
2 answers
Go to the RTC all downloads page for your version of RTC. As example for 6.0.3 at
For EWM version 7.0.2 the link looks as follows: https://jazz.net/downloads/workflowmanagement/
Go to Downloads, select Engineering Workflow Management on the page: https://jazz.net/downloads/workflow-management select your desired version. Go to the All Downloads page and scroll down to the bottom. There is the SDK in the source code section. The other download files are also on that page.