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Links and Planning

Mahari Hill (4861179230) | asked Sep 18 '14, 9:04 a.m.

A recent acquisition is running RTC 4.0.5. They are using the SCRUM template and imported work from a waterfall project (MS Project) they were working on. They now have 10 Epics, 30 "sub" Epics, which goes to epics, stories and tasks. As an example, I opened up a random task and it had 12 parent links. All of their work is this way, and opening up a Tree view or Taskboard can last about 60plus secons...saying Loading Tasks/Loading Links forever.

Has this part of planning improved in 5.0.1? I am assuming that there are companies using even larger plans.

As a bonus question, does IBM work around this using tags or fields.


Accepted answer

permanent link
Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Sep 19 '14, 8:46 a.m.
my understanding is that the number of links for each work item in the plan will impact performance when loading it.

Q: Has this part of planning improved in 5.0.1? 
Also note that  in 5.0.2, Dev implemented Improve performance of ILinkRestService (326836)

Now I am concerned with " I opened up a random task and it had 12 parent links"

Whereas a given work item can have n children,
any work item can have a single parent.

What degree of confidence can we have about this Project Area "health" in terms of Planning and Work Item.

I would vote for opening a ticket to IBM Support  -

Mahari Hill selected this answer as the correct answer

Eric Jodet commented Sep 19 '14, 9:43 a.m.

 And I found this

that I think you will find interesting.


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