How to invoke RTC CLI to create a change set, check-in the file and deliver it to the stream.
4 answers
On your custom application build, after the JAR file creation, you have to execute ordered scm commands as:
login to repository:
scm login -r https://localhost/ccm -n repo -u ${user} -P ${password}
load a repository workspace:
scm load ${workspace} -r l
copy the JAR file into sandbox
create change-set (check-in):
scm checkin project/file.jar
retrieve the change-set ID:
scm show status
deliver change-set to stream:
scm deliver ${cs} -s ${workspace} -t ${stream}
Thanks a lot for the info - After getting through I shall accept this answer
Could you please let us know how we can create a workspace using RTC CLI as we dont have the GUI.
Did you read the help I linked? The answer is there.
1 vote
thanks we were able to follow the below steps.
1. Logged into the SCM repository
Deliver operation failed because target stream belongs to a project area where is set a participant operation named "Require Work Items and Comments" which requires a work-item associated to the change-set you are delivering.
1 vote
You can add a work item to a change-set as described on the help page but you cannot create a new work item via SCM tools.
1 vote
Below is the list of tested commands.