Integrating with WID
We are using WID in our project and we are migrating from clear case to RTC version Now we want to have RTC plugin to be installed in our WID But we are facing some version mismatch issue and compatibility issue. The error code is: CRJAZ1176I and below is complete error message. Please let me know how this can be resolved.
Other option which i think is installation of both RTC client and WID on each developer system but was wondering how the RTC and WID will communicate and developers can get the latest code always in their system workspace.
Other option which i think is installation of both RTC client and WID on each developer system but was wondering how the RTC and WID will communicate and developers can get the latest code always in their system workspace.
One answer
According to the systems requirements for WID ( it supports integration with RTC v2.0.0.2. It also has support for RAD 7.5.5., which uses the Eclipse 3.4.2. IDE. The system requirements for Rational Team Concert v ( indicate that RTC v3.0.1.1 runs on the Eclipse 3.5.2 SDK. My guess here is that you are running into an Eclipse version mismatch.