Rtc extension workshop- eclipse2,junit2,osgi2 is not displaying in run configurations.
Dear Team,
One answer
You have to only follow the workshop very carefully. I have performed it with 6.0.5 and the com.ibm.team.dev.launch_0.3.13.201605301342.jar works.
Provided the download id correct, put into the right folder (name?), is a valid JAR file with a valid file extension.jar that can be unzipped, you can reprovision RTC Eclipse by running the Eclipse.exe with the additional option -clean. Eclipse rereads all plugins and also the dropins folder. This should not be necessary, because the dropins folder should be reread anyway.
Without additional information - the usual stuff like OS - or any hints from log files (e.g. C:\RTC605Dev\installs\TeamConcert\eclipse\configuration or C:\RTC605Dev\workspaces\Dev0\ServerWS.metadata and the specific step in the workshop (we have them for a reason) there is no way to tell.