How to query work items by state via oslc?
I tried to query the work items by state like descripted in a earlier post.
The url Query:
oslc.where=rtc_cm:state="{open}"&oslc.prefix=rtc_cm=(rtc Namespace)
The result is a xml with 0 work Items, but I have 11 Work Items in my project Area and the most are in state New.
The keyword new instead of open I tried as well.
Is there a difference in OSLC 2.0 and the described OSLC 1.0 in this case?
I am using RTC 4.0.
Best regards
I tried to query the work items by state like descripted in a earlier post.
The url Query:
oslc.where=rtc_cm:state="{open}"&oslc.prefix=rtc_cm=(rtc Namespace)
The result is a xml with 0 work Items, but I have 11 Work Items in my project Area and the most are in state New.
The keyword new instead of open I tried as well.
Is there a difference in OSLC 2.0 and the described OSLC 1.0 in this case?
I am using RTC 4.0.
Best regards
Accepted answer
I thought I should reply to this question (I'm the one who raised question. :) )
It worked for me (I'm using RTC 4.0). Have you set the header correctly ? This is the example url which I have tried. Note the <project-id> should be changed to real project id.<project_id>/workitems?oslc.paging=true&oslc.pageSize=100&oslc.where=rtc_cm:state="{closed}"&,dcterms:title,oslc_cm:status
Try to use Poster firefox plugin. (Set Accept: application/xml, OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0) to see if it works for you too.
It worked for me (I'm using RTC 4.0). Have you set the header correctly ? This is the example url which I have tried. Note the <project-id> should be changed to real project id.<project_id>/workitems?oslc.paging=true&oslc.pageSize=100&oslc.where=rtc_cm:state="{closed}"&,dcterms:title,oslc_cm:status
Try to use Poster firefox plugin. (Set Accept: application/xml, OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0) to see if it works for you too.