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How to add "Create Workitem" to "Select Workitems" Pop-Up?

We are using the taskboard/KANBAN view during standup meetings.
We like to directly create linked work items when we are in this plan views, without jumping around to other windows.
a) "Add Workitemtype" or "Add Link" menu item are not allowing to create a work item. They can only be used to link to existing workitems. Is it possible to enable the "create Workitem" command in the Add Workitem Pop-Up?
Accepted answer

Hello Guido,
this looks like Adding Linked work item from plan view doesn't give option to create new one (158987)
which was rejected.
However, I would vote for re-opening this request as I consider it as a valid feature request.
Reopen the defect and possibly convert it to enhancement.