How do I see change sets delivered to specific project stream?

One answer


Thanks for the answer. But with this option I am getting change sets delivered to a component with all the streams. Though I am selecting Location as specific project stream, I am getting all the change sets of a component but for that particular stream alone.

One thing to keep in mind is that a change set cannot be delivered to a stream unless all the change sets that it depends on are also delivered to that stream (i.e. there can be no "gaps"). So when you accept a "baseline", what you are really accepting is all the change sets in that baseline, and when you deliver a baseline, you are delivering all of the change sets in that baseline. In particular, when you first create a stream based on some snapshot, you are implicitly delivering to that stream all of the change sets in all of the baselines in that snapshot. One way to explore this is to navigate to a stream in the team artifact navigator, open up that stream to see its components, and then right click over that component and select "Show -> History", which shows you the change sets for that component in that stream. In fact, you cannot use the History view to see all of the change sets in a component (you can only see all change sets for that component in a specified stream or workspace) ... to see all change sets in a component, you would have to use the Jazz Source Control search.