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limitation about the number of linked artifacts to be displayed in RRC 4.0.3

I need to know about a limitation about the number of linked artifacts to be displayed in RRC 4.0.3. When I tryed to display lots of linked arifacts in my view, follwing message was shown.
All the linked artifacts cannot be displayed fully.hide details
ID CRRRW7339I The number of artifacts that are linked to the base artifacts is too large to fully display. Filter the linktypes that are used for expanding the rows, or reduce the number of requested levels.
Thank you in advance.
Accepted answer

Hi Natsumi,
It looks like the number of displayable links is limited to 100 in the code, unless you are using IE7 as your browser, in which case the limit is 60. In order to avoid this warning, you must follow the instructions from the message and filter the link types or add a limit on the requested links. Hope this helps.
Mike Jaworski