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To create new reports in RCR

archana kurup (2026972) | asked Jun 05 '13, 11:43 p.m.
retagged Jun 06 '13, 8:50 a.m. by Laura Kuczarski (21137)
I want to create a new report using RCR which brings the standard report form of our company.I wanted to add my company logo and report name in the header and page no. and company name in the footer...can anyone please help me...

6 answers

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Jun Wang (6077) | answered Jun 06 '13, 12:54 a.m.
I would suggest that you do it in the template instead of individual report, so that all your Cognos reports referring to the template will be affected by the change.
Open the template in Report Studio, then you could use 'Image' and 'Page Number' on the Toolbox to show your company logo and page no.. One example is the report template referenced by our OOTB reports.
Regarding how to specify the image to your own picture, please finding that in Cognos help.

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archana kurup (2026972) | answered Jun 06 '13, 2:43 a.m.
WHAT IS OOTB reports?

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Jun 06 '13, 2:47 a.m.

OOTB reports - out of the box reports. These are the reports bundled with RRDI.

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Jun Wang (6077) | answered Jun 06 '13, 3:02 a.m.
Yes, out of the box reports shipped with RQM build. I think you are using RQM 2.x with RCR, so the OOTB reports package should be in a folder of installed RQM directory (Please refer to 2.x document, I do not remember the exact folder name), not as downloading from CLM web in 3.x. Then importing the report zip into RCR server.

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archana kurup (2026972) | answered Jun 06 '13, 5:28 a.m.
Am using RQM 3.0.1 WITH RCR..
1)I opened report studio->create new report or template->report template...
In the header i put the image logo in one side and the textbox in the other side to write the test plan name.But when i clicked in the image to browse the company logo it;s showing 404:not found and 501:not implemented errors...why it's showing this error?
2)In the footer i wanted to get project name keyword and document no. in one colume and in 2 rows....and the name and no in the next column in two rows..and page number in the next like this..







  i tried to put table in the footer with 3 columns and 2 i was not able to merge the it the correct way to do in footer?.........

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Jun 06 '13, 5:48 a.m.
Hello Archana,

for your information RCR does not support RQM 3.0.1.

For RQM 3.0.1 you should use Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 1.0.2 instead.

Migration instructions are available here: Migrating Rational Common Reporting to Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence

Best Regards

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archana kurup (2026972) | answered Jun 06 '13, 11:38 p.m.
thank you...i have done with that....but then how to get the table i expected?what i did on page header is correct?

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