RRDI with remote DB2 database

Accepted answer


Hi Xuan Jing, I have been studying this page for hours, and I cannot locate where the script are located. When I get to panel Configure Data Warehouse and I enter the values for the Remote database I get an error, because the RIDW database has not been created yet (I created manually the RICM database).
Or do I have to act like if I was going to create a local database ?

Hi Huan Jing, I now executed the commands you sent me and created the RIDW database, I tried again to run step Configure Database and now I get the following error message: CRRRA0079E: The root directory cannot be used as the table space location. I did not define any table space so far for RIDW ! What shoudl I do ? In case of RICM I had created tablespaces and the location was C: (as now).

I am sorry, Xuan Jiang, I wrote your name wrong 2 times, please excuse me

Assuming you are using a Windows OS as your DB server, since RRDI is not allowed using a root folder for tablespace, so please create a folder first (or select an existing one but please make sure no files under it), for example, C:\RIDWTS, then input it in your setup UI as "Table Space Location".