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Problem changing the configuration of an RTC 3.0 server

Jordi Fabregat (1122) | asked May 22 '13, 2:05 p.m.

Lately I am having problems trying to change the advanced configuration of our RTC server.

When in the advanced properties of the server I try to change the property from LDAP to UNSUPPORTED and try to save I get an error, and then it appears a message listing the valid types, even if UNSUPPORTED appears in the list it didn't work.
Also appears an error stating anr error in the JDBC provider, "The DDL provider for vendor (ORACLE) failed to load"

And when I go to the main server page it appears an error getting the server Info.
An attempt was made to activate the "" service during a period when activation was disabled. This occurs most often when the server is coming down. ID CRJAZI479I.

I was not trying to shutdown the server but even so I get the error, after that, I need to restart the server to be able to work again.

Somebody knows what can be the reason for the error.

We use the version 3.0.1 (RJF-I20110602-0017)


Jordi Fabregat LDAP Error

JDBC error

Bo Chulindra commented May 23 '13, 12:53 p.m.

Is there a reason you're using the Advanced Properties page instead of using the Setup Wizard? If you want to change your user registry, I would first recommend going to jts/setup and using the User Registry page there. The Setup Wizard takes care to do changes the correct way, collecting all the necessary information and validating it before making the change. The Advanced Properties page does no validation and will let you make changes that will not work for your server.

2 answers

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered May 22 '13, 3:18 p.m.
I have not seen this before, but it looks like it somehow does not recognize the text as displayed. What if you try to modify these properties manually in JTS Does it accept the update or still showing the error?

By the way, is your keyboard set to 'English' language?

Jordi Fabregat commented May 23 '13, 11:05 a.m.

My keyboard it's in spanish, not english, but I doubt that it's significative.

I will try to change the parameters in the file, but will need some restart to get them or it will automatic?

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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered May 23 '13, 12:45 p.m.
If this is not a test environment which you can throw away if any thing goes wrong then I would suggest you take a backup of your environment first. You can follow Ralph's article for backing up CLM  for that.

Then, I would probably re-run the jts/setup to make any such modifications.

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